
Gabriel's Online Baby Book


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Welcome To My Page!

My mom thought I should have an online Baby Book to share with all of my out-of-town relatives. Isn't she smart!

My Birthday

I was born on June 2, 2001 at 10:24pm. I was 8lbs and 5ozs, and was 19-1/4" long. My Grandma Dain was there to help Mommy with the delivery. It took 45 minutes for me to appear once Mommy started pushing. I popped out with a head full of blonde hair-the same color as Mommy's. Just not as curly. Mommy tried to deliver me during "Braveheart", which was on TV at the time, but was too tired. "Halloween" came on right after "Braveheart" and that's when Grandma Dain finally turned the TV off. "My Grandson is not gonna be born while Halloween is on", she said. Thank You Grandma. Mommy named me Gabriel Thomas Dain. Gabriel after the Angel in the bible ("And in the sixth month the Angel Gabriel was sent by God...Luke 1:26). Thomas because that's Daddy's middle name. And Dain because that's Mommy's last name.

My Favorite Things To Do

Eat, Sleep, Poop, and Cry
Well, lately things have changed.
I like to push around the tractor that Grandma and Grandpa Dain got me for my first birthday. It has these little buttons on it, so when I push them, they make noise. Really LOUD noises.
I also like to pretend that my walker is a jungle gym. I climb under it and on it and I still play with the toys that are attached to it.
I also like to play with Mommy's magazines. I like the sound it makes when I tear the paper. But, most especially I like to eat the paper. Hey, it tastes pretty good ya know.
Also, and this is my favorite thing to do, I like to play with the buttons on the TV. Hee Hee. I've figured out how to turn the TV on and off and how to change the video input. So when Mommy's trying to watch Lord of the Rings for the millionth time, I can either turn it off and hear her scream, or turn the video input back to the cable and hear her scream. Hee Hee. Mommy's so funny when she yells at me for that. I can't help but laugh.

My Favorite Foods



Granola Bars
Grape Nuts w/Applesauce
Pudding--Chocolate especially
Noodles--Any kind

My Favorite Movies

Um...I like to watch just about anything...
The Matrix (He is the one! Hee hee.)
Lord of the Rings (Mommy likes the elf, uh, yeah, whatever. I like the Black Riders, they're cool!)
Black Hawk Down (like the part when that guy falls out of the helicopter...um, nevermind)
Baby Einstein
Baby Shakespeare (Mommy's in a Shakespeare faze.)
Baby Bach (Great music!)
Baby Mozart (Even better music!)

Monster's Inc

Finding Nemo

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets--I'm watching it now....


This site was last updated 01/14/04